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149 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Vamos a ver el cuerpo humano

Knapman, Timothy
Vamos a ver el cuerpo humano

Prepárate para un viaje fascinante a través de las capas de este libro.

¡Un libro perfecto para descubrir el cuerpo humano por dentro! Contiene un montón de información específica, rica, variada y explicada de manera irreverente, perfecta para niños y niñas interesados en el funcionamiento de su cuerpo.

CHF 23.50

Wir fliegen ins Weltall!

Knapman , Timothy / Henderson, Nik / Hübner, Inga
Wir fliegen ins Weltall!
Das Universum zu entdecken, ist ein großes Abenteuer! Es braucht mutige Menschen, viel Geduld und ausgefeilte Technik bis schließlich der Countdown läuft. Vom ersten Satelliten Sputnik 1 bis zum aktuellen Artemis-Weltraumprogramm - dieses Sach-Bilderbuch nimmt uns mit auf 16 echte, spannende Weltraummissionen. Raketenstarkes Sachwissen für alle, die sich für Marssonden, Teleskope und Weltraumspaziergänge interessieren.

CHF 19.90

The Mona Lisa Mystery

Knapman, Timothy / Rodriguez, Pedro / Collins Big Cat
The Mona Lisa Mystery
Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It consists of a range of chapter books with increasing word counts across 10 fluency levels aimed at children in Year 2 and 3. Each book builds reading confidence, stamina and speed and nurtures a love for reading.

CHF 15.50

Pearson Bug Club Disney Year 2 Pack B, including Orange a...

Knapman, Timothy
Pearson Bug Club Disney Year 2 Pack B, including Orange and Purple band readers, Finding Dory: A Day with Dory, Wreck-It Ralph: The Go-Kart Race
Bring reading to life with well-known, family favourite characters! Help your child progress at home with Bug Club and Disney Year 2 colour book band readers. Bug Club captures children's imagination, nurtures lifelong readers, and is proven to work: research shows that after 18 months, children using Bug Club were 11 months ahead of their expected reading age. Bug Club at home will complement children's school learning as they develop compreh...

CHF 20.50

Owls Are Cool

Knapman, Timothy / Cockcroft, Jason
Owls Are Cool
Can a burrowing owl - who can't fly - and a snowy owl - who can't run - ever be friends?Oscar is an owl, a COOL owl. And cool owls DO NOT fly - they RUN. ZOOOOOOOOOM! So when snowy owl Reggie comes along, swooping and swooshing through the sky, Oscar's not impressed at all. But when Reggie crashes into a tree, Oscar discovers that maybe they are not so different from one another after all...A funny and heartwarming story about how being differ...

CHF 14.90

Princesses Break Free

Knapman, Timothy / Løvlie, Jenny
Princesses Break Free
A fun, wild adventure challenging the stereotypical image of the poised, preened damsel, this princess takes life into her own hands without waiting around for anybody else.We begin our story in a fairy tale world like any other - princesses in distress are rescued by valiant and dashing princes and live happily ever after. But for Tilly, sitting around waiting to be rescued by a prince is BORING. So ... Tilly simply rescues herself! "This pun...

CHF 14.90